Category Archives: responsibility

Missed It by That Much

If you were a child in the ’60s, this was a phrase that you heard Maxwell Smart, or Agent 86, use quite often in the series Get Smart. I can still hear Max say, “Missed it by that much” as he held two fingers close together. In leadership, there is not a great deal of […]

You’re Never More Than Two Feet From Success

two feet from success

…as long as you put your best foot forward! All of us do things in our youth that, upon reflection, might not have been a great idea. I am no exception. It started out innocently enough… A friend of mine and I (who will remain anonymous, but you know who you are) would go to […]

Cow Paths, Sidewalks, and Leadership

Growing up in East Tennessee, I had the advantage or disadvantage—depending on your point of view—of spending a lot of my time playing on and around the farm. (The disadvantage comes in if you don’t watch where you are walking!) We leased some acreage next to our farm for our dairy and beef cows. One […]

Blog Feature Coming Soon!

We will soon be publishing multiple blog posts about our speaking engagements Dr. Dale’s thoughts on various topics. Check back soon!