Category Archives: professional development

The Old MacDonald Project: Why EIEIO Leadership Still Works

dr dale old macdonald

Any of you who read my blogs from time to time know two things about me: I am old school and I started from meager beginnings. When I was growing up on our family farm, I needed a 4-H project. My Grandfather suggested pigs. We had the space for pigs and he bought some. So, […]

Don’t Pull On Superman’s Cape

Don't Pull Superman's Cape

Well, lots of things have changed in our world. Boy, that is an understatement. No travel, no speaking in person, and no Joy in Mudville. We are living in the Age of Don’t. Don’t forget your mask, don’t forget to wash your hands, don’t get too close, stay 6 feet away, and on and on […]

It’s The Thought That Counts

Well, here we are in our new “reality”. After 20 years of traveling in airplanes, staying in hotels, eating in restaurants, riding in cabs, and living on the road, everything has changed. Now it’s “watch what you touch”, wear your mask, socially distance (whatever that means), stay at home, and stay healthy. Well, if your […]

Firing Up Your Mind Game

Firing Up Your Mind Game

What kind of wood are you using? 2020 is here, and it is my and Michelle’s sincere desire for it to be the best of your life! Are you looking ahead to see which moves you will make on the checker board of life that will propel you into your future success? Were you aware […]

Missed It by That Much

If you were a child in the ’60s, this was a phrase that you heard Maxwell Smart, or Agent 86, use quite often in the series Get Smart. I can still hear Max say, “Missed it by that much” as he held two fingers close together. In leadership, there is not a great deal of […]

You’re Never More Than Two Feet From Success

two feet from success

…as long as you put your best foot forward! All of us do things in our youth that, upon reflection, might not have been a great idea. I am no exception. It started out innocently enough… A friend of mine and I (who will remain anonymous, but you know who you are) would go to […]

If First You Don’t Succeed, You Haven’t Failed Enough!

If at first you don't succeed, you haven't failed enough.

As a humorist, I want to clear up a very important misconception: I am not a motivational speaker. I drive high content through laughter and use stories to help make the point; but, truthfully, you have to motivate yourself. It’s a proven fact that we retain things longer if they make us laugh, because it […]

The Lost Art of Getting it Done Without Going Too Deep

Many years ago, in a place far, far away, there was a boy raised by two families. Ok, scratch that. It sounds too much like the beginning of a Star Wars movie. I was a blessed child. I would get up every morning and have breakfast at my house. I’m not talking about cereal and […]

Personal and Professional Development: Two Things That Never Change!

Professional Development Dr. Dale Henry

Sitting at the phone charging counter at Houston Hobby Airport, I was talking to my oldest granddaughter Kayleigh Peyton (Yes, I love football.  How’d you know?) when a young man sitting next to me asked, “Was that your daughter?” I smiled and said, “No, that was my oldest granddaughter; I have six.”  He replied, “Congratulations!” […]