Category Archives: listening

Beggin’ For Bacon, Or Where Did Customer Service Go Wrong?

dr ddale beggin for bacon

I don’t know what makes you smile, but, for me, it’s pictures of my grandchildren and good bacon. Ah, shoot, it’s bacon in general. It doesn’t even have to be good bacon. Bacon is like when my wife kisses me: whether it’s a peck or a long, drawn-out smack, it’s awesome! Ok, let’s get back […]

Connecting The Dots

Last night I had an awesome event for Loss Prevention Magazine. At dinner, I met a young lady that worked for Kmart/Sears and we struck up a conversation. I explained to her that I had a unique relationship with her company, and asked her if she knew what the K in Kmart stood for. She […]

We All Need A Little Rhinoplasty

Jimmy Durante had a big nose. (You might want to google that.) It was his trade mark. My nose Is normal, and I try to keep my opinions to myself, but this blog will serve as a reminder that the world needs you to be the best you. And fixing others is not in your […]

If It Walks, Talks, and Looks Like a Turkey

If it Walks like a Turkey, Talks like a Turkey, and Looks like a Turkey… Well, it’s not that Simple! I got entangled in a controversy this past week. Is a hot dog a sandwich? This may seem like a simple straightforward question. It has bread, it has meat, so a sandwich it must be. […]

Shazam – It Ain’t Rocket Science

Well, it’s road trip time. Every month or so, my wife and I love to do a road trip. So we load up our 24 foot Mercedes Sprinter, and off we go. Last week, while driving through Arkansas, we hit one humdinger of a thunder storm, and, of course, it had to be at night. […]

Customer Service: Where Do You Want The Water?

Customer Service

Water will rise no higher than its source! That is an axiom that requires no additional explanation. The question might be, “Where do you want the water?” My expectation of service and someone else’s expectation are quite different. It’s a sliding scale loaded with traps and snares. I normally like to traditionally take the high […]

Trick or Treat? Pulling Off The Mask!

Dr. Dale Henry Blog Holloween

Take off the mask and buy your own candy! Well, it’s that time of the year where everyone dresses up and goes through a magic transformation. It’s evaluation time! Oh, I know it’s also trick-or-treat month, but they both have so much in common. Wonderful things have happened to me during the month of October. […]

Whatchatake? Getting Something For Something

Whatchatake? If you are a frequent eBay or Craigslist user, then you are accustom to the “Whatchatake?” OK, let me back up… I am a southerner, and part of our unique culture is that we love to take several words and jam them together into a bigger, more useful word. “Whatchatake?” is a southern word […]

Blog Feature Coming Soon!

We will soon be publishing multiple blog posts about our speaking engagements Dr. Dale’s thoughts on various topics. Check back soon!