Category Archives: culture

Beggin’ For Bacon, Or Where Did Customer Service Go Wrong?

dr ddale beggin for bacon

I don’t know what makes you smile, but, for me, it’s pictures of my grandchildren and good bacon. Ah, shoot, it’s bacon in general. It doesn’t even have to be good bacon. Bacon is like when my wife kisses me: whether it’s a peck or a long, drawn-out smack, it’s awesome! Ok, let’s get back […]

It’s The Thought That Counts

Well, here we are in our new “reality”. After 20 years of traveling in airplanes, staying in hotels, eating in restaurants, riding in cabs, and living on the road, everything has changed. Now it’s “watch what you touch”, wear your mask, socially distance (whatever that means), stay at home, and stay healthy. Well, if your […]

Connecting The Dots

Last night I had an awesome event for Loss Prevention Magazine. At dinner, I met a young lady that worked for Kmart/Sears and we struck up a conversation. I explained to her that I had a unique relationship with her company, and asked her if she knew what the K in Kmart stood for. She […]

It’s Hard to Get Up with the Get Down Feeling!

Get Up

So Get up offa that Thing and Dance—You’ll Feel Better! Every now and then, I am struck with a conundrum, and whether you believe it or not, so are you. Do I get up? I am not talking about when that annoying alarm goes off in the morning. That’s why they invented the snooze alarm. […]

We’ve Gone Nose, Ear, and Thought Blind!

Dr. Dale Nose Ear Thought Blind

I love a clever turn of phrase, and Febreze has hit a home run with their nose-blind commercial. It makes perfect sense that what is familiar to us, something we’ve grown accustomed to, sticks out like a sore thumb; or, more appropriately, a stinky smell to others. During the holidays several years ago, my child bride […]

The Duh Syndrome: Differentiating Us Hillbillies

The Duh Syndrome

This is the second installation of things that people say to their customers that sticks in my craw. Every now and then I get surprised. I’m not talking about getting a present from that great aunt who died ten years ago. I’m talking about stuff that happens that you weren’t quite expecting it. They fall […]