Category Archives: communication

Connecting The Dots

Last night I had an awesome event for Loss Prevention Magazine. At dinner, I met a young lady that worked for Kmart/Sears and we struck up a conversation. I explained to her that I had a unique relationship with her company, and asked her if she knew what the K in Kmart stood for. She […]

You’re Never More Than Two Feet From Success

two feet from success

…as long as you put your best foot forward! All of us do things in our youth that, upon reflection, might not have been a great idea. I am no exception. It started out innocently enough… A friend of mine and I (who will remain anonymous, but you know who you are) would go to […]

If It Walks, Talks, and Looks Like a Turkey

If it Walks like a Turkey, Talks like a Turkey, and Looks like a Turkey… Well, it’s not that Simple! I got entangled in a controversy this past week. Is a hot dog a sandwich? This may seem like a simple straightforward question. It has bread, it has meat, so a sandwich it must be. […]

Shazam – It Ain’t Rocket Science

Well, it’s road trip time. Every month or so, my wife and I love to do a road trip. So we load up our 24 foot Mercedes Sprinter, and off we go. Last week, while driving through Arkansas, we hit one humdinger of a thunder storm, and, of course, it had to be at night. […]

Nothing Wrong with Getting Older—It’s a Perspective Thing

Nothing Wrong with Getting Old

There is something rewarding about getting older. You can surprise people! First, you can surprise them with stuff they don’t know. For example, I checked into a hotel for a presentation the following day. My typical first question upon checking in is, “Where is my organization meeting?” I looked at the clerk and began to […]

Customer Service: Where Do You Want The Water?

Customer Service

Water will rise no higher than its source! That is an axiom that requires no additional explanation. The question might be, “Where do you want the water?” My expectation of service and someone else’s expectation are quite different. It’s a sliding scale loaded with traps and snares. I normally like to traditionally take the high […]

Blog Feature Coming Soon!

We will soon be publishing multiple blog posts about our speaking engagements Dr. Dale’s thoughts on various topics. Check back soon!